Why do I dye my hair?



Changing the colour of my hair, hasn’t always been on my agenda when I left school.

For me, as a young disabled person, I believe that the 20’s is for exploring yourself. As an individual on this planet (regardless of their age), we are always learning new things about ourselves.

As a child, and throughout my teenage years my mum always changed her hair colour. It would be every three or four months, and I would jump in the front seat to my mum, and her hair colour was different to when she dropped me off at school.

Mum would always say, “you can if you, want when you leave school”, but she also mentioned to me that having your hair dyed, is expensive, you’re sitting for a long time and if you go right down to the roots of your head it could hurt.

In my teenage years, I always wanted to dye my hair, but when I finally left school at the end of 2019, I was quite hesitant to start doing it. The thing about this is if they go down to the roots, your head might hurt; and this made me quite hesitant of getting my hair dyed.

Image description: Layne is smiling, while looking in the corner. They have pink and orange hair, and is wearing a t-shirt that says, “Minds of all kinds” with a brain under it. In the bottom right corner of the image, there is a purple circle which says in white, “Why do I dye my hair?”. In the top left corner of the image is my logo; which is a purple circle and inside this is a white circle. Around the edge of the purple circle it says, “writer · laynecdixon · activist” and in the bottom part of the circle surrounding the corners, it says, “· Writer for disability and inclusion ·”. In the white circle it says, “Layne Dixon”.

I believe that what you choose to wear is a part of your identity, I went back to this belief of mine and gave it a go. It wasn’t until May when I started going to Studio Misfits. Over the past couple of years, I have realised that I’ve got a lot of sensory issues; such as, the sounds around me, and very soft head.

I’ve been to a heap of hairdresser salons over the time, and depending on the hairdresser who takes me, I either enjoy it or I don’t. Some of the hair dressers that I’ve been to, has been tough (without intention) with my hair.

My first hair colour was a little strip’s of purple in my blonde hair. I felt like a new me when I got this done. You probably would be the same when you’ve done something that you haven’t done before.

I was like “OMG what was I so worried about? Why didn’t I start this ages ago?”; which was, and still is what I ask myself. I assume it was because I didn’t have a go-to-hair salon. With not knowing the folks, I wouldn’t of felt alright with sitting there for a good four hours or so to get my hair dyed. Changing the colour of my hair,hasn’t always been on my agenda when I left school.

Thanks for everyone who has read my latest blog. You can find out more about me, and my journey as a writer and a disability activist over on Instagram and Facebook.


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