4 brands that support inclusion and diversity

Hey folks, some of you might of seen my posts on Instagram and Facebook last week, about some incredible small businesses (around Australia) that I love to support; as they advocate the non-disabled community about people living with a disability.

Image description: A pink marble background with the words, “4 brands that support inclusion and diversity” written in the centre of the picture. With words underneath this that says, “New blog”, and “www.laynecdixon.com”. There is a big fat L on the bottom left corner and on the top right corner (which is upside down).

Okè The Label

Image description: Layne is smiling and looking down at the ground, she is wearing a black t-shirt that says, “O.K.È”. Her shoulders are high (about to shrug). Behind her is a white door, grey tiles on the wall as well as a black light button for the room.

Founded by two brothers, Bradley and Ashley, with a vision of a business that gives back to the community. Inspired by one of Bradley’s previous clients (former support worker) these two folks started up their own business in Brisbane, Australia, which is called “Okè The Label’. A t-shirt brand that gives back $5 from every purchase that they make to a disabled person (child, teenager (13-17), young adult (18-25) or adult). Since their business started in 2018, they have expanded from not only selling t-shirts with their name “OKÈ” on them, but they also sell now jumpers, stickers and hats as part of their label. And now they are selling their clothes internationally!

Every 2-3 months they have someone with a disability come into their brand. Through their social media, they don’t just educate people about disability in ‘general’, but educate their audience about their current and previous guests and their disability.

Not long after they started in 2018, I jumped on board, and started helping them out with their blogs. You can check them out here!

For more information, go and check out their website, or you can follow their social media pages:

Instagram – Click here

Facebook – Click here

Twitter – Click here

Spotify – Click here

YouTube – Click here

Mighty Able

Inspired by her son, Mikey, Emma founded Mighty Able in 2017 (3 years ago). Due to the lack of representation there was in the media, Emma wanted to change this, and she did exactly this by making a brand which empowers inclusion and diversity. Through the t-shirts, the social media as well as the meaning behind the brand, Emma continues to educate and raise awareness about diversity and inclusion. Mikey lives with Cerebral Palsy (CP), hearing loss, microcephaly and GCD.

I started following her work for Mighty Able last year (2019), and since then I have felt resonated with her message of “diversity and inclusion”.

Make sure you check out her store here, and go and follow the Mighty Able journey:

Instagram – Click here

Facebook – Click here

Image description: Layne is smiling while looking to her right. She is wearing a red t-shirt that says, “choose inclusion”, as well as a dark blue watch and bright blue jeans. Behind her is some bushes, as well as the view of the city and the swan river.

Inclusion Revolution

Started last year (2019) with big dreams and big desires for this brand. Inspired by her little son, Sullivan, Tannealy started this brand to promote disability and inclusion through their brand. Shortly after Sullivan was born, his parents quickly realised that the conversation around disability was very negative, and since then they’ve wanted to change this.

Inclusion Revolution isn’t just a brand, but a community too. Through their social media pages Tennealy educates the non-disabled community about disabled people, as well as inclusion. Tennayle states “If you too believe that everyone deserves to feel a sense of belonging, if you believe that differences should be celebrated if you believe in change (also, tacos) then Inclusion Revolution is your home away from home.”

For more information make sure that you check out their website, or you can follow their social media pages:

Instagram – Click here

Facebook – Click here

Image description: Layne is smiling at the camera with her right hand on her right hip. She is wearing a black t-shirt which says, “inclusion revolution”, black jeans and dark blue Billy Footwear shoes. Behind her is some fences as well as a few plants.

Jam The Label

Founded in 2018 by two occupational therapists (OT’s), Molly and Emma, with a dream of accessible fashion. Through their work as OT’s, they found that not many clothes are accessible to disabled people, and therefore they have adapted to make the clothes work for them. This really resonated with me, as a person living with CP I have found particular items of clothing challenging for me, and to make these clothes work I had to think outside of the box to find little things that I can put on the clothes to make it more accessible.

You can find their website, here! And go and follow their journey on their social media pages:

Instagram – Click here

Facebook – Click here

Twitter – Click here

Image description: Layne took a selfie of herself. She is wearing a bright blue t-shirt, that says “JAM”. Behind her is an office chair, an indoor clothesline which is filled with clothes as well as a window.

I believe it is so important to have representation within my community. As a disabled person, growing up I didn’t know about any of this, but I believe that the next generation will and the word, “inclusion and diversity” will continue to grow and develop for an inclusive and welcoming society for all 🙌🏻

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Please share this around, and if you like it please subscribe to my page down below.


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