Everyone has moments in where we are having good days and bad days, and this is alright. Being disabled isn’t easy, my parents have worked around the clock to make sure that I had the best possibility in life that I could have, and I can just not thank them enough for what they’ve done for me.
I believe that everything in life happens for a reason, both the good and the bad. For me as a disabled person I don’t focus on the negativity, but instead push that into education, educating others about disability and what it means to have cerebral palsy both on here and on my social media pages (I will link them down below, at the bottom of this blog post).

So, if there was a cure for cerebral palsy would I take it?
The answer to this is no. no because I wouldn’t be the same person and I certainty wouldn’t have the same life that I have at the moment.
Despite the negativity that comes with disability I wouldn’t take a cure. Yes, my experience during school wasn’t great – you can see this in my Instagram post, but I wouldn’t go back in time and change the experience that I’ve had during my time at school. One of the main reasons is because it has made me a stronger person then I was before, and I would most likely not be the person that I am today sitting behind my laptop and typing this out to you.
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